One and Only Destiny Galleria. Visit us at #02-32, People's Park's Center, Chinatown, Singapore. Open Daily 3.00 to 10.00PM

Powerfully Blessed Amulets, Beads, Takruts, Lek Lai and Statues

From famous Buddhist Monasteries and Temples of Thailand, Cambodia, India, Tibet, China, Taiwan





Phra Luang Pu Thuad

Phra LuangPu Thuad Wat ChangHai

Phra Luang Pu Thuad
created by Archan Tim, B.E.2505, Wat ChangHai, Pim Yai, Herbal made


越昌海 – 阿曾添制

Luang Phor Yip, Wat Sattaheep ChunBuri

Wat Sattaheep,ChunBuri。
Top Maker of PALAD KHIK
Luang Phor Yi
Luang Phor Yi of Wat Sattaheep, Chunburi was the top maker for Palad Khik. His Palad Khik’s is well known to swim or even charge at high speed. Very impressive in my opinion. Certainly, there re handful of masters also renowned in making top range Palad Khiks.
Palad Khik is an auspicious talisman with the shape of a male organ (Penis). They are often mistaken as an obscene object. However, in Thailand, they are considered as a lucky charm that is widely used to enhance human relationship, business relationship, and protection against evil forces or bad energy.
The origin of the Palad Khik is related to Lord Shiva that manifests himself in the form of Linga, the male genital and sometimes together with Yoni, the female genital. It symbolizes the power of creation, strength of unity and the source of destruction, similar to the Chinese Yang element.
It is also widely believe by the Thais that Palad Khik possesses the power to make the wearer charming, especially to the opposite sex. In addition, they are worn below the waist level, different from other votive tablets which you have to put them in high places or hang them at your chest level. And more interesting, they are allowed to be worn into low or sordid places such as the brothel or gambling den.
The Palad Khik amulet is said to have been imported to Thailand by Cambodian monks in the 8th century AD. Early styles of Palad Khik bear inscribed invocations, entreaties, and praises to Siva;later ones combine these with interlineated invocations and praises to Buddha; modern ones bear uniformly Buddhist inscriptions, invariably written in an old form of script that cannot be read by contemporary Thais.
Palad Khik amulets carved from wood, bone, or horn are made by monks who specialize in their manufacture, and the efficacy of a given amulet is dependant on the charisma and reputation of its creator. The lettering of the inscriptions is a matter of serious ritual and can take several days to complete. Cast metal Palad Khiks do not always bear inscriptions, but they may carry the additional symbolism embodied in an animal holding the penis.


Luang Phor Tim, Wat Lahanrai, Royong.

Photo of Luang Phor Tim, B.E.2422 ~ 2518, Wat Lahanrai, Royong.
Luang Phor Tim’s was born in Ban Hua Tunnttabuon, Tambon Laharn, Ampher Bannkaii, Chengwat Rayong. His name is Tim, family name is Ngamsii and he was born in the year of the Rabbit, on 16 June BE2422.
Luang Phor Tim.’s was a strict practitioner of the Dhamma. For 50 years Luang Phor Tim’s would always take his meal at 7 am and his afternoon tea at 4 pm and he was also a vegetarian. Luang Phor Tim’s passes away on 18 October BE2518 and he was in the Sangha for 72 years.
拍吟 金纳般尊药师佛
九宝金属 金底(限量版)
made from NAVA-LOHA metal
with various base such Golden Base
created by Luang Phor Tim

Luang Phor Tim was born in Ban Hua Tunnttabuon, Tambon Laharn, Ampher Bannkaii, Jungwat Rayong on the 16th June BE 2422 in the year of the Rabbit. He was named Tim, and his family name was Ngamsii.
At the age of 17 his father, Kheh, sent to Tan Phor Singh to study, returning home at the age of 19 and was ordained as a monk at Wat Thatkaow on the 7th June BE 2499. He was ordained by Phrakru Kaow, Archan Singh and Archan Kehh and was given the religious name of Issaliko.
After spending a year in Wat Thatkaow, he retreated in the forest for a period of three years, after which he went to Wat Narmathom in Chengwat Chonburi for two years. Luang Phor Tim learned Wijja (magic) with Ajahan Lod, Ajahn Lem and Ajahn Saii. He also studied with his Uncle Luang Phor Song Thao of Wat Kongchin.
It was from this uncle that Luang phor Tim inherited a book of Wicha and Arkom. Luang Phor Tim became the Abbot of Wat Lahanrai where he was a strict and diligent practioner of the Dhamma.
He was known to be a very good monk and possessed few worldly materials. In the hut where he stayed, he only had a pillow and a mat with no electricity. He lived a simple life. He passed away on the 18th October BE 2518 having spent 72 years in the Sangha.


Myanmar Jade Bracelet - 緬甸玻璃种翡翠手鐲


緬甸玻璃种翡翠手鐲   ( 珍藏品  )
传说十三世纪初,云南的一个盐商偶然的从缅甸驮了一块石头回国,那块晶莹透亮的绿石头一下子征服了爱玉的中国人,这块石头就是翡翠,因其色泽艳丽、产出稀少、具有玻璃光泽、质地滋润、韧性较强、硬度高,在玉石家族中称 “ 硬玉 ”,又称 “ 玉中之王 ” 。
翡翠产地多属于未开发山区,虽不致鬼魅魑魍、豺狼虎豹,但孟尹深山,往往走上一日不见阳光,茫茫林海,只有求玉人走出的小毛路 ; 雾露河,滚滚浊流,每逢夏 日雷雨天气,水面上处处泡起,缕缕烟生,烟生至三尺高度即聚拢不散,人坐船中,伸手不见五指,如入五里雾中。 除了蛮烟瘴气,蚊蟒疟疾,环境恶劣,加上工具 原始,旱季短少,物资缺乏,玉石的开采,备极艰辛 。
翡翠,其英文名字 称为  Jadeite 。来 源于西班牙语 Pridra Yiada ,意思是佩在腰部的宝石 ,因在十六世纪 翡翠被认为是一种能治 腰痛和 肾痛的宝石 。 而在中国古代 ,” 翡 “、” 翠 ” 是分别用在指赤羽雀和青羽雀 (据东汉年间的许慎的 《 说文解字 》 )。
翡翠 ,其主要组成矿物名为硬玉,是单斜辉石中的一种碱性辉石,由无数细小纤维状微晶纵横交织而成的致密状集合体,具有毡状结构 。基本物理性质 : 坚韧度极 高,能抵御较高的撞击力和压力;摩氏硬度6~7,大于软玉的摩氏硬度 。
翡翠玉石的由来 :
远古时代,漫山遍野的古生物骨骼,被冲涮进海槽 。海底火山爆发,把这些骨骼和海底的硅沙及某些金属齐熔成翻 滚沸腾的岩浆,冷却后成为大小不同硬度极大的硅酸胶性钙,其基本化学成分为CaSio3,这就是玉 。它沉睡于海槽底,后来,因地壳变动,海槽变成大山脉, 玉石搭顺路车上了陆地,人们终于有了采玉的机会 。
不经意翻开古书我们会发现,古人薄金银而厚玉是有传统的 。且不论坊间传说最深最广的 “ 黄金有价玉无价 ” 的定论,连 《管子》 这些老书也把  “ 先王以珠玉为上币,黄金为中币,刀布为下币 ” 作为定论来加以记载 。就连古代皇帝们的权力象征 “ 玺 ” 也大多与玉有分不开的关系 。。。。。。。

Tibetan old DZI

Line, long life, Six or nine eyes Tibetan DZI beads with pink coral bracelet
The meaning of the Tibetan word “dzi” translates to “shine, brightness, clearness, splendor”. In Chinese’s, the bead is called “heaven’s bead” or “heaven’s pearl” (天珠).
Dzi bead is a bead stone of mysterious origin worn as part of a necklace a and sometimes as a bracelet. In several Asian cultures, including that of Tibet, the bead is considered to provide positive spiritual benefit. These beads are generally prized as protective amulets and are sometimes ground up into a powder to be used in traditional Tibetan medicine. Beads subject to this process have small “dig marks” where a portion of the bead has been scraped or shaved away to be ground into the medicine.
Bring Luck, Love, Forture, Career and Protection.

Beads that are broken are believed to have a diluted benefit, because they have taken the brunt of the force that it is assumed would have otherwise impacted the wearer.

Jatukam Ramathap

Jatukam Ramathap 泽图康天神

Jatukam Ramathap, 7cm, B.E.2550
Jatukam Ramathap, 7cm, B.E.2550
Jatukam Ramathap, Glazed facing style, B.E.2550, Roon Suwannapoom Ha Soon.
佩带功效: 招富贵,招财福,招好运,转运,许愿,心想事成,保平安等,可以说是一尊全功能佛牌。

Takurt of Luang Phor Kaloong

Takurt of Luang Phor Kaloong – Sacred Scroll

An amazing belt comprising 9 kind of metal sheet – 13cm and bamboo sacred scroll – 8cm, Thang-khai or Takurt, created by Luang Phor Kaloong.
The amazing monk Luang Phor Kaloong is recognized as one of Thailand’s true Guru monks, practiced in the arts of meditation, telepathy and magical incantations. The Sacred Scroll  “Takurt”  helps to escape from dangers and enhances safety.

Luangpu Kaloong, Sacred Scroll, 护身符管

Luangpu Kaloong amazing Takurt (12cm)
An amazing belt comprising 9 kind of metal sheet – 12cm Thang-khai or Takurt, created by Luang Phor Kaloong.
The amazing monk Luang Phor Kaloong is recognized as one of Thailand’s true Guru monks, practiced in the arts of meditation, telepathy and magical incantations. The Sacred Scroll  “Takurt”  helps to escape from dangers and enhances safety.
Wat Khao Laem, Luang Phor Kaloong ~ 10 Jan 1918 – 12 Sept 2009.

Lek Lai

Lek-Lai 泰国神秘圣物 ~ 沥来、力泥、流铁

泰国圣铁沥来 10cm x 13cm (Lek Lai)
從深山中召喚大自然力量,化成物質「流鐵」,保護主人刀槍不入……如此天方夜譚的故事,或許你會覺得只能出現在電影中。然而,當這疑幻疑真的事情發生在充 滿神秘的泰國時,即使是一場「怪談」,也可能會令人著迷,甚至令一位香港商人,在緣分的牽引下,難以自控地尋覓這種稀世奇珍。


泰国圣铁沥来 10cm x13cm (Lek Lai)
具無窮威力.本店拥有出自Putaisakwan. L.P Chok 最威力有神的神铁。

相関泰囯聖鉄~瀝來, 泰囯僧人加持聖鉄瀝來之錄影。

Buddha Relics





